- Likes sports
- Drinks beer
- Loves sushi
- Is either vegan or vegetarian
- Prefers the more manly looking clothes
- Short nails, Short hair, minimal (if any) make up
And the reason why I feel like I break the mold is because I find myself (especially since I've become more independent) being more girly.
- For one, I'm growing my hurrs. I just crave long mermaid hurrs. haha I said "hurrs"
- The other day I cut my nails and I honestly found myself sadder than usual to say goodbye to my pretty long nails, so much so that I can't wait to get them that length again.
- I love my make up. I couldn't possibly go out without at least some effort in the facial area.
- I can't bring myself to wear a t-shirt. I almost cringe at the manly-ness of them (okay that's a bit extreme but I have a point to make)
- I in no way enjoy watching sports while drinking beer. I actually don't drink beer full stop. I won't even drink ciders and I find a girl with a beer in her hand to be very unattractive.
- I like meat. mostly chicken and tuna. mmm chicken.
- And I refuse to eat sushi (unless I fall in love with a girl who just happens to be allergic to everything but sushi)
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