I've decided to write about a few friends of mine. I'll start off with Odete (because she is the tits)
"The dog days are over"
If anyone knows Odete, they'll probably know her for her sense of humour and sharing of sexual remarks on Face Book, for being an absolute tank when it comes to drinking and as the girl who brings the party. And all these are 100% true. But I also know her for who she really is...
... A lying bitch.
Haha sorry I just HAD to. I'm lucky enough to say that I know Odete as all the above mentioned things, but I also know her as an amazing friend.
When we met on the 6th of December 2008 (which is only two years ago, even though Odete seems to think we met four years ago), I think it was love at first sight. We spend the rest of the days following that, speaking all day, every day. Its safe to say that she stole a little bit of my heart during this time, a piece that she'll always have. *sorry for the soppyness*
Odete AKA Oprah, comes up short in regards to her emotional responses. She's not one for soppy 'I love you's' or returning words of praise. Which makes it all the more heart warming when she surprises you with how much she loves you and how much she misses you. I've seen so many sides to Odete and I want her to know what an amazing friend she is. And that I'd do anything for her (even cleaning up after her at the Clay Oven haha)
We've had our rough patches and I'm sure we'll have more, but one thing I know, is that this friendship is here to stay.
I have to thank you, Odete, for getting me past my heart ache and for making me appreciate life and how acting our age is over rated anyway. I'm going to miss seeing you every day. Going grocery shopping. Our romantic moments in the car wash. How everyone thinks we're dating. Cooking for you. Ignoring you when you ask me to find something for you to wear. And how sexy you get when you're angry. How we can't stay cross at each other, especially when we ask "is someone a little upsetzies hey? In a bit of a moodzies hmmm." Playing Jenga over a lovely hub sesh. Making fun of Frodo. Your weird fetish for Salami, garlic and feta. Your naughty pics I receive on BBM weekly. And how our conversations have no real value other than how happy they make me feel and how laughing with you can make anything better.
I consider you to be one of my best friends. I always will.
I love you and I miss you so much.<3
"Happiness hit her, like a train on a track"
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