I guess I'm going through another season (an unpleasant one) and it's hard to make happy posts sometimes, ye?
But I've been saving this bit of happiness: I'm going to Joburg next weekend to see my amazing mother who I think needs me just as much as I need her. Even though I need her a lot, a lot. Sometimes all I need to cure me of the blues is a sit-down with her and maybe a cry and life's little woes (and sometimes the big ones too) seem not-so important anymore, like I'm not alone and neither have I ever been because I have her.
I'm also really excited for the Halloween party happening at Townhall which I went to last year and for some reason all I remember from that night (other than Odete throwing a banana at me) is that I saw my ex before hand. Bla bla bla and I was really happy and then a few days afterwards I was really sad. So hopefully that won't be the case this time.
Anyway, myself and a friend are dressing up together and we're totally going to be bangin' and I couldn't think of anyone better to go with<3