Dreams... What funny, funny things. Almost hilarious (heavy undertones of sarcasm here)
I've been having such... Um... Interesting dreams of late. I wish I knew what they meant and I wish some were true. There's nothing worse than waking up from a dream and realsing it wasn't real, "wherefore art thou Dreams?" and not reality? WHEREFORE?!?!?
*I much prefer saying wherefore instead of why. Its salty:)
But back to the dreams. There have been a few occasions where I have picked up the girl in my dream and just carried her. What the heck does that mean? Why am I just randomly carrying girls? That's probably the most awkward thing I've done in my dreams(Reality Jen is shaking her head at Dream Jen)
In my other dreams, I keep getting answers(in the dream) from someone I would really like answers from(in real life) and its so easing, finally finding out why things are the way they are and then being at peace with it all, only to wake up and realise it wasn't even real. Sigh. So disheartening.
I also find it incredibly ironic how someone can go around preaching about people being friends and how there shouldn't be time to fight or hold grudges and then they do the exact same thing to you. If you're going to be the spokesperson of Forgiveness, than at least put some of it to practise:)
I've only now realised how little sense this post makes and I do apologise (I promise its a lot clearer when its in my head)
I'm going on a delicious picnic tomorrow with some bitchin' homies and I'm tres excited. We're going to Kirstenbosch to watch aKing and just roll around in the sun and have G&Ts (not the Gin and Tonic variety, more the Giggles and Tickles kind) (yes I made that up all by myself)
Okay I'm going to stop.
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